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Band Photo Gallery

Camp Ripley Memorial Day Ceremony 2023

photos courtesy of Trutty Photography  - trutty.com


First Half of 2015

photos courtesy of Trutty Photography  - trutty.com

Christmas Concert December 7,  2014

photos courtesy of Trutty Photography  - trutty.com

May 30, 2010

 The Richfield Symphonic Band, while performing for the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery at Camp Ripley, was conducted in Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever" by Rear Admiral Henry McKinney US Navy (Ret)

pictured from left Band Director Ken Ziemann, Rear Admiral Henry McKinney, and Band Manager David Butler

Richfield Symphonic Band at Edina's Edinborough Park January 17. 2010

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Lynnda Nelson the band's "Chanteuse"

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Ken Ziemann introduces Rueben Haugen the band's first director


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Rueben Haugen

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Rueben directs the band in Sousa's "The Thunderer"

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Veteran's Day Performances November 11, 2009

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August 30, 2009- Band Director. Adam Sroka, leaves the band with congratulations for a job well done. 

June 12 2008- Richfield Symphonic Band concert at  Augsburg Park Richfield, MN


Summer of 2007- Dedication of Minnesota State Veterans Memorial

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